Saturday, December 4, 2010

A difficult decision - to visit the university?

accepted if you watch TV, you may have heard of Root Dakota, is the girl home-schooled, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Brown, Duke, Chicago, Cal-Berkeley, USC and other elite schools Another was in America. How did you choose which to attend college? According to Fox News, took Harvard because the school knows that everyone in the world. For the protocol so that only 1% elitist Harvard dare to apply the best high school graduatesreceived (30,000 candidates) and from this number about 1,700 courses (less than 6%).

Dakota history is unusual not to be the candidate for the average student received up to 10 + of selective universities in the country. But with more than 4,000 universities in the United States, there are many interesting options that are tailored to your individual needs. And then the question arises - which provides the best solution for me?

There are many things to consider when evaluatingCollege options. Here are things to think about and consider carefully whether the initial and final selection.

1 - Small vs. Large

You want a school where all of you know, or have long offered diversity and the social environment of a school with 40,000 students? There are great universities in both the spectra of the scales, so that your task is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each. For example, organizations of students of a school rather than have more largestudent activities, more majors and more classes. A smaller school provides an intimate, more personal attention and direct access to your professors, among other benefits. Then think about the type of school you would be able to do their best in every aspect of college - academic, social, personal and professional (look in the future).

According to Forbes magazine, the "Small liberal arts schools shine in our rankings, probably due to the quality of theirFaculty and staff can provide care. Williams and Swarthmore both among the top five, while Pomona, Smith, Middlebury and Amherst all come in the top 20, followed by schools as Stanford (23) and Brown (27). "

2 - Public and Private

The main difference between public and private universities is the price. Just compare the cost of attending a public university as above UC-Berkeley ($ 8,353 in state $ 31,022 out-of-state) in comparison to the major private universities like Harvard,Columbia, Georgetown, Boston College, and Cornell, where you can expect aid to pay more than $ 50,000 a year without the basic necessities. With the possibility of applying for aid were still paying more than $ 20,000 per year, not counting room and board, costs can be another $ 10,000 +.

Consider what happens when you graduate college with a huge debt loan, look at the content development of your profession and how it feels when you make $ 900 + per month in loan paymentsfor a job that pays $ 50,000 a year. Remember, you do not need an expensive private school to succeed in life, Suze Orman has a degree in Social Work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign at a low price, I watch them now!

So if you can not afford a respected and very expensive private school, believes that "after the 2009 Academic Ranking of World Universities, ranked the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 25 international place of more than 1000recognized institutions. And 'home to some of the highest-ranking, information technology, library and information science and accounting programs in the United States. "And the best part, it only costs about $ 9,000 per year for residents and $ 23,000 for residents.

Sometimes the best decision is the least expensive. Not under the financial burden if it can be a burden to you and your family are positive in many ways. After the extra money and no debt, we are farespecially considering offering graduate school. Who makes a good public school and not make no difference in the quality of your education.

3 - Campus Activities

I heard about a study at a prestigious Urban University in Florida, as he described the cemetery as a weekend. He explained that there is nothing in the course for students in the weekend, that has literally left campus almost like a return migration only in the evening on Sunday. Without universitiesopen on weekends, the school was now a ghost town, certainly not fun for him because there was nothing to see outside the school in town. He felt so bored and isolated, which was not his full-college experience the best. However, this environment had a sense for many students, life outside the academic world, want to maintain close ties with their families and friends in the region.

Other schools offer great campus life 24 / 7 Bring film festivals, concertsSeries offer a wide range of coffee shops that stay full of students every day of the week almost all the time. In these schools, libraries, we are able to watch four of our students, closed for an hour and then reopen at 5. So if you're a bookworm, a Scottish philosopher, or simply a person who is attracted to a particular social environment is to ensure a campus that fits with your lifestyle. Check out their web pages and see if the school has fraternities, student clubs, fitnessSports facilities and so on. For example, Penn State University recently, the University of Florida as a top party school by Princeton Review dethroned. You can also Tulane University listed as the No. 1 school for the social life and, if you prefer to be voluntary, recommended U.S. News & World Report, Duke, University of Maryland, Stanford and other universities, where you can learn and the world a better place at the same time.

4 - CampusPolitics

They say you should never talk about sex, politics or religion, if you prevent people uncomfortable. In college, however, there are probably people who discuss all three, if you're a progressive or a conservative for Obama who voted have voted for McCain to be met, you should think very carefully what kind of people you need to study with this.

While some schools to encourage lively debate, censor other students have unpopular opinions, and there are cases ofTeachers who are open to the Conservatives, military, Zionists, etc. Some universities also have "speech codes" and other draconian laws stifling the First Amendment of the Constitution on. For example, according to FIRE, an organization for individual rights in education, Binghamton University student is fighting to set the preparation of posters critical of the School of Social Work.

This does not mean that the libertarians are conservatives or in a place where to studythey are not allowed to consider options such as Hillsdale College, currently ranked 89th in the 2010 U.S. News & World Report list of top American liberal arts colleges and 76 in 2009 Forbes report on America's Best Colleges. E 'according to the Princeton Review Best Colleges 371 2009 list of universities where students are "conservatives" and one of the fifty "Best Value" private universities.

Of course, if you have a progressive or liberal, you might feel comfortable withDuke, NYU, Columbia, Oberlin, Ohio State University, Princeton, Tufts, Berkeley and many other large schools, some more politically correct than others.

5 - religious vs. secular

Nietzsche said that God was dead, but almost all the nation's schools have at least one religious group of students. Catholic and Protestant schools have their own chapels can also visit world-Orthodox Jewish schools like Baruch College, Yeshiva University and Brandeis, where the food follows the Hebrewdietary restrictions. The question for you is how much or how little religion you want in your life, there is top-rated schools like Wheaton College Christian finished 59th in U.S. News & World Report (2008) and 11 in the total number of graduates who go to earn doctorates. Other options Baylor University with 146 bachelor's degrees, Pepperdine University, Calvin College, and others.

One thing to consider on religious schools, their standards of conduct, many of themnot tolerate smoking, drinking (even if you are over 21), drug use, premarital sex, homosexuality, and in the case of Bob Jones University, interracial dating can be used to meet its laws. At Liberty University, for example, students are not allowed to have television in the room and the TV is in the public areas designed with programming for families and children.

The behavioral rules are less strictly top-rated Catholic universities like Georgetown, Loyola, Boston College, Creighton, andothers.

They are religious and choose to attend a secular school college ministries to find out if they have a college age Sunday School class or youth group, religious services and churches near campus.

6 - College Rankings

It is not our most popular way to choose a college, but certainly one of the most popular. Google "college rankings" and you will find that schools, organizations such as U.S. News & World Report based on a variety of categories voted as "the highest (and lowest)Acceptance Rate "," Top Public Schools "," Best Care Programs, "The majority of students in a fraternity," "Most international students", etc. But the focus should be! College rankings is only a guide and not the reasons for choosing to be a school. - It would have been the wrong decision in your college decision solely on the charts only and pinned another against a particular school, the rankings are based change every year and these are measures that can not fit with the programs are right on your test. judgeCollege knowledge in many areas and too often to fail, not state, taking into account the "soft" aspects of higher education.

College Confidential As mentioned, here is another comment about "custom fit vs Rank: College admissions consultants generally agree that a school must" adapt "the students in the form of an academic environment, social environment, sports and many other opportunities extracurricular, urban or rural location, etc. A good fit will result in acollege experience and, above all, the maximum personal growth and success. Charts can have a negative impact if students or parents more, watch as a school, instead of standing, how well they meet the needs of each student. "

Suppose you're a hiker, kayaking, hiking, horseback riding, etc. If this is the case, the order of Outside Magazine will enjoy a perfect fit. I love youWarren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina. For Warren, "The Bent Creek Experimental Forest offers miles of single trails, street riding calls every Tuesday at Liberty for a morning bike ride and the Asheville Track Club Runners can join. They prefer the solitude? Hop Trail in the mountains to the sea ... Hikers, cyclists and riders do not even have to leave the campus of 1,200 acres, with more than 25 miles of trails through the area. "

Of course you will also know howWarren and other schools rank nationally, in large costs and other relevant categories for you. For example, if you're vegetarian, you should check the standings PETA's College, you know, Yale, Oberlin, New York University and the University of Florida are among the top ten vegetarian options for students? Charts are also a tool for selling magazines. Any organization that has developed a classification system has a different way to calculate the results, and are not infallible. This is mainly the reasonbecause often many do not agree with the results. However, the results are excellent unfair and wrong with lists of colleges, which may for one reason or another to make it easier to find options for a student. If anything has become a valuable resource for ranking the search for information about college. That said, the charts use as a tool to learn more about school camps of power, but make sure that everyone who believes ... Read

How not to choose a university

Believe itor not, people sometimes take the wrong college for the wrong reasons. Some say, "my boyfriend / girlfriend / best friend" is going on there, others are impressed with the football team (that does not make sense unless you're on the football team) to take some of a very prestigious school, if you don 't have much they want, others want to go where their parents were, or who want to be in a particular city, in a college and to live.

Choosing a college based on factors thathave nothing to do with your education and shape the environment of the program / university could be a disaster. Remember these four years or more could affect the rest of your life, and unlike Suze Orman, most of us do not get a degree in social work is itself a lucrative career as a TV Financial Adviser. So when it comes, the choice of college, research, research, research, and focus on the measure, taking into account your needs and how the college she meets.

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