If you find lower wages in order to study a problem, if you plan to spend more time studying that actually study, you will probably need some advice on prevention of hesitation. The five points described in this article will help you to a point where a routine of study, a habit that you want to be credited for the school years to be paid.
You must first determine where you are studying. A little 'traffic in the house, with sufficientLighting and a surface big enough on which to spread your books would be a good start. Keep this place as if it were to organize work in an office, for example. Paper and stationery, paper clips and the like should be at hand. The idea is not to have to get up, look around for items when you are settled in the workplace.
Are you an organized person, you can use this feature to apply the tools of study and region. Many people find resources to maintain the color coding worksat a glance. Do you have for example, all the resources in the history of orange, while the mathematics books were covered in green paper. This color code may be on your calendar, and homework program managers of the study will be carried out.
If you are a disorganized person, use the new approach to the study, to help you better organize, at least in this part of your life. Do your homework daily diary as a to-do list. The management of a to-do list, avaluable tool for college and adult life in the workplace that are before us. Use the list of urgent or high priority tasks of identifying, for example, the work that is due the following day. Assignments for which you are given a longer time must be done the next day for more attention. When you complete a task, check off or cross out, so you can see at a glance what you have to do to see.
Secondly, we must learn to concentrate in class orAuditorium. You learn by doing, and notes in class when the teacher or the teacher speaks, the concentration increases. Students whose learning style is auditory (based on what they hear) is also able to remember exactly what the teacher said in class. The notes in class are taken to deal with a messy and the letter that only you understand. When you get home, you need to rewrite the instructions carefully to study or review paper.
Rewrite notesallows users to review and revise, as covered in class and will help ensure that you will have for future tests and tests on this section of work. Sound learners can speak aloud while writing, for the information. Visual learners are the shape, color stimulates and so on, and you would do well to organize your notes mindmaps with colors and different headings and subheadings of the content identified. If you have not used mind maps as a learning tool before, now would be avery good time to start.
A technical study is similar to using a Mind Map method would be Cornell. This technique involves drawing a margin down the left side of the paper. Keywords and captions are placed on the left side and the content and explanations on the right side of the page.
No matter what your learning style more, it's probably better to use visual, auditory and tactile (hands-on learning, for example, writing) in combination. How to Re -Write to study the notes, or talk to yourself, create visual clues and write as much and as often as possible.
Thirdly, a successful student, you must find a way to remember and keep the work covered. The most common techniques used by the SQ3R method. This stands for survey, question, read, recite and review. If you're sedentary, get a chapter for a test on the geography of the next day, that's how you use this method. First, it would be read to fly or crawlthe chapter or part thereof. Then you formulate questions to answer, you should carefully read the work and highlights the most important concepts and key words and write it down (on the mind map of the site or Cornell). They would then be the second to go on the main elements in order to learn by heart.
You might pause at this point, go for a brisk walk around the garden and then go check out your work. The verification phase requires you to summarize what you learned by heart and thenTest your knowledge. Cornell Journal of If you are after, you could use the content on the right side of the page and make sure, for example, definitions or sub points under each keyword that appears in the left margin.
In the fourth study the habit you must develop an improvement strategy and stick to a routine of study. Once you have learned to study, you must now look at. Strange as it may seem daunting, many experts agree that the ability to study highStudents must spend an average of 40 hours per week on their studies, the classes and read times. Again you need to organize. Pay close attention to your weekly schedule and block, the time spent in extra mural activities such as sport. At a glance you can see how many hours do you have to study every day.
When you create the time to study, do not discount the weekend, it will not hurt to work on a Saturday or Sunday, this"Free" days, can afford large blocks of uninterrupted time during which you can study, in particular, in the examination and the periods of high workload of the year.
In the fifth instance, you must remember to take care of you and your brain to optimize the ability to study. Here are the basics are true. Good food - including fruits and vegetables in the diet. Sleep well, your brain is not retained when you are a bit 'tired physically. Exercise is important because it provides the brain withOxygen for study in order to maximize the capacity.
Study for relatively short periods of up to twenty minutes. Take a break, walk around the house or outdoors, a few sit-ups and push-ups and fast and simple aerobic exercise and then go back to your books, fresh and ready to learn a bit 'more. During periods of examinations, you could keep your arguments simple, such as English poetry, and study a poem of the time allocated for a more severe learning difficulties on how to use scienceas a mental break.
In summary, a good student a place and a time to learn, was organized, in fact, use a method to realize the work and the will to stick to a daily routine. Like the Nike slogan so rightly said - "Just do it!"
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