One of the tasks that students would rather not, nor ever will, take notes during lectures. After the lesson, the notes remain on paper, maybe checked a couple of times and then thrown away, forgotten in the mists of time. The problem is that most of the students to take notes for the wrong reasons in the wrong way, and on the wrong targets.
Notes is correct, the student spends most of the time listening to music instead of writing. The notes serve asStress, not as a learning tool. And lead us not on the notes, rather than keep us back. For this we need to take and how we deal with hints of change.
Notes in elementary school
People learn to take notes, unfortunately, in primary school. The technology known in primary school is to copy the words of the teacher, because students do not really listen to the teacher. This lack of music comes from both the lack of intellectual development of the studentDuring his years of teaching and the lack of experience of young people. Since the primary school pupils have no experience of how to use their knowledge, the teacher says that everything is new and different, and the student becomes a more or less, for fear that something was missing, except in writing . You tried to write down everything, and the students always feel that something has been overlooked, resulting in a wrong attitude towards music.
The preparationfor notes
Classroom notes on two things, both from the same source. The source for sheet music is material that provides teachers, which is not in the textbook. Overall, the textbook should not be copied in your notes to class, which is the technology used to take notes on what should be in the text, or rather, what is not based in the text. This is usually drawn from examples and explained by the instructors and detailed explanations provided bythe teacher. In order to keep the notes correctly, students should be aware that minimize output in the text material for lessons on repeat.
In preparation for the notes correctly, the student should do three things. First, they should become familiar with material from the textbook. This does not mean that students should know more in the text, even if the text is known, the more effective it will be the student. On the contrary, it means that theStudents should look beyond the text, the basic information is listed on the text, such as definitions, formulas and examples in the text. A superficial skimming of the text, rather than a detailed reading should be done for the class. The student must try to general concepts, details to come after school.
Secondly, students should be prepared with a series of questions. Some problems should be sufficient. With some applications, the student maintains a focus onClass. This has two advantages. First, students have reduced the risk of drifting off during class and missing important material, and secondly, the students significantly improved their level of participation in class. Such problems should be on one sheet of paper or index card.
Third, students for the paper on which she takes notes for preparation. Probably the best format to take notes during the lecture format is called the Cornell method, which separatesthe paper into three sections: one section for notes, a section for immediate comments that occur during class, and a section of questions and observations that occur to check the notes. There are several online resources to create and print sheet music in this format, an Internet search for "Cornell memo" should provide sufficient results.
The technical notes
Since the student has made at least a cursory examination of the materialfirst class, which should have a basic idea of the treated material and understanding of what the introductory text. With this understanding, should not copy everything up to, but it can focus its attention on the instructor, and only the letter of the material they need, why not in the book. This allows students to listen better in class.
The material that students should take care to write in the notes consists of two main types. L 'first type of examples is connected with the teacher. Although the sample in the book, the coach will probably go into more detail and show other aspects of the problem of what in the text. The second is when the teacher goes over the book, either by increasing the depth of the material or material with respect to other information. In both cases, the teacher is very often the point of writing in any way, either through a presentation or using some kind ofBoard of Directors. Only when something written by the teacher, students should consider writing itself. This means that the student spends most of his time either listening or thinking about what is presented.
The last area in which students had to write material is probably in the answers to his questions. If a student has a question during class is very likely that the same question may arise after class when the material is tested. So studentsHe needs to write the question and answer.
After the lesson
Within one day after class, students write their notes and put all the questions that arise from their reading of the text or their notes. This is a beginning for the next class. Again, applications must be written on a separate page in his notes to the notes in class so that the answers are clearly marked. Even in the review, the student must create a brief summary ofMaterial in the notes, so that the material of the class will be organized more efficiently.
The purpose of Note
The purpose of notes is not to learn the material for the first time. If a student from class without a concept of what is falling is a serious disadvantage. An adult student, as he prepared to get an idea of the contents of the class. This awareness allows students to take a much greater advantage of the material presented.Then, the attention of the student learning the material only in the class can learn to concentrate.
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