Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why you should pursue Book Awards

A friend of mine with his book on Beaver's Pond Press (BPP) published. BPP is a press mentoring a ton of services offered to their authors.

One such service is "meetup" (group work), to share information BPP marketing, editorial and other suggestions that may help the self-published author. We'll see how the whole experience is Beaver's Pond published after my friend's book. ;-)

In any event, the theme of this special meet-up was "The Do's and Don'ts ofPresentation of the book awards. "

The moderator, Marly Cornell, Secretary and Chairman of the MIPA Midwest Book Awards (Midwest Independent Publishing Association). He spoke openly about the benefits of price support, especially for those who publish them.

So, a book has won? A book award is presented to the authors a literary prize the quality of American literature seen. Awards are presented annually for the work published last year.

Thisliterary prizes are provided in different genres: fiction, poetry, memories, etc. .. And there are many types of award programs, such as awards, special awards and recognition programs, business major (well-funded programs receiving more recognition.)

The finalists and winners are usually selected by a panel of authors.

How does the aspiring writer? How many of us gravitate to books, because we see the stickers Gold Award, I know what I have. Especially those who won the NewberyMedal Caldecott Medal, the Nobel Prize for Literature, the PEN / Faulkner Award and other major awards.

In addition to selling more books, with an award-winning author is a great title for your staff and adding a letter.

After hearing the presentation Marly's, I was reluctant about the application. I am a new writer to me uncertain, but also as a finalist would make such a confidence builder!

It also adds credibility to your book, which is always usefulfirst author.

Most of the entries in the book call for a premium fee. And as we all know, whenever money is involved, we must beware of wolves. So a little research on the legality of any program of expectations, which can be considered.

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