Dr. John Docherty is an associate professor of psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University and Chief Medical Officer by Brain Resource. Trained as a research assistant in Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology at the NIMH, he returned later as chief of the psychosocial treatments Research Branch, responsible for all federally supported research on psychosocial treatment of mental health at the national level. Dr. Docherty has extensive experience in the introduction of successful innovations in bothClinical operations and healthcare management.
Alvaro Fernandez (AF): Dr. Docherty is a pleasure to be with you today to discuss the focus of studies to assess current market Transforming Brain Health with digital tools to improve the knowledge and care during their lifetime. May briefly your career and your current trajectory roles?
Dr. John Docherty (JD): Sure. The main theme of my work since 1960 has remained the same: "How do we know into effectiveto increase the use of mental health? "In the last century, the advancement of medicine in the creation of enormous scientific and clinical knowledge. Basic Research, Science Discovery and clinical development of science have made great progress. The study of psychotherapy, but lagged in development. As for my role Head of psychosocial treatments branch of the NIMH, I supported the efforts of an extraordinary group of people who make possible the scientific study of effectiveEffectiveness of psychotherapy.
I would say that my interest, but in the next step was the science of knowledge transfer. E 'and remains a long-delayed and expensive (in terms of suffering particularly appropriate) between the development of new knowledge and its common use and effective in practice.
Right now I'm on a plan to offer personal assistance, based on performance for mental health professionals gradually extending their services to workSkills and stay in their areas of competence established. As Chief Medical Officer, Brain Resource, it is my duty to the integrity of clinical data in our systems and platforms guarantee.
AF: From this experience, and the companies that you have been involved, what are your thoughts on how to use knowledge useful?
JD: I can recommend the following. One, who put the work requires a good test, in practice, publishing more than good research. I would likeTo say that scientific knowledge directly relevant to perhaps 15% of clinical decisions. The remaining 85% requires a degree of inference, where we need other tools as well translational made quantitative studies of the relationship.
Secondly, we need to emerging technologies that translate this knowledge into practice. Regularly updated Expert Decision Support Systems are built into the CCE strictly necessary for bridging the gap between the development of new knowledge and to close their effectiveto use.
In psychiatry, a technology that further detail is needed is one that provides a reliable and valid assessment of the health of the brain, at an affordable price. Psychiatry has unfortunately badly behind other sectors in the medical evaluation and diagnosis of the health of major organs, were treated. In my opinion, a basic assessment of neurocognitive function should be an essential part of any psychiatric assessment. To do this, but it requires a technology that makes thisRating convenient and affordable. Fortunately, we now have some technologies, such as the Brain Resource WebNeuro program, among others, makes it possible.
As soon as we protect the fundamental importance of the underlying brain function to mental health, the need for technologies, drugs and other lifestyle interventions and considerations and to improve the health of the brain salience and urgency detected. Cognitive Enhancement and remediation technologies are now outside. Thisis an emerging field of innovation and industry - and welcome.
Finally, to preserve, promote innovation to be truly and continuous improvement, we need both creativity and integrity. We need a delicate touch in the right direction for the sector, as more severe, that it was premature to bring this point.
AF: We see the opportunity, the attention of the brain through the lifetime of an update of the basic framework for the care, prevention and treatment improvementa collection of symptoms to diagnosis based on the improvement and maintenance of the basic functions of the brain-based. Do you see any progress in this direction?
JD: Let me say that I fully share this view. As I said, the current diagnostic framework is outdated in its limitation on the basis of diagnosis of symptoms. All organs in the body and brain function is no exception. Think of this analogy: the main function of the heart pump blood - and when theFunction starts a series of mistakes symptoms, and can end with heart failure.
cardiovascular health has seen major improvements over the past 50 years because of their understanding of the heart as a system with a function. The main function of the brain is processing information, but basically ignores Psychiatry. It is not to consider that so-called diseases are diagnosed and treated as if each individual and binary (you have it or not)The diseases are mainly the signs of congestive By that I mean, if the brain is overwhelmed and his function is not working well.
What we have learned from neuroscience in the last ten years that we have to a large extent, start in the brain-based cognitive and self-dysfunction, which often precede to identify problems. So we should ask what the risk factors for brain-based, the main reasons for the occurrence of psychological problems? At this point theproblems of failure and consider what to do?
In short, if the mental health field, a model of brain-based approach to diagnosis and treatment to follow.
AF: What were the key next steps in this direction?
JD: We now have brain-based models for most psychiatric disorders. What we need to translate this knowledge into practice, are useful tools that help us to better care at the individual level, the selection of major types of interventions are available and systematically and quantitativelyMonitor their impact. So far, wanted to assess a physician, the neuro-cognitive function, his patient to a neuropsychologist who is very expensive to see. It can cost $ 4,000, and insurance coverage is highly variable. WebNeuro, clinical decision support system, Brain Resource, helps automate a basic form of this review for information. Since it is cheaper and easier to manage than a full assessment is obtained from a neuropsychologist, opens a new dimensionOpportunities. For example, you can measure and monitor the health of the brain of an entire people. A doctor or health monitoring system could easily identify the brain health of hundreds of patients suffering from dysfunction of the interventions and would welcome the progress over time to improve, and his clinical practice is based on the data.
I think we have more physicians with practical tools, such as this, the more it becomes clear that we needUnder our current model of diagnosis and adopt a model of brain-based psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.
AF: Dear John, thank you very much for a very stimulating discussion.
JD: My pleasure.
Alvaro Fernandez
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